I’m off tomorrow, I may have COVID


Jeff Anderson
H-M Platinum Supporter
Mar 26, 2018
I don’t know how it is in the rest of the world, but here, in California, employers ask the employees to self monitor.
Every morning we fill out a questionnaire that says, if you answered, yes, to any of the questions, turn around, go home and report to your supervisor.
Well, my wife and I developed symptoms, low energy, scratchy throat, headache and a dry cough.
This morning I awoke feeling just fine. I haven’t lost my taste or smell, yet.
A coworker who tested positive has the same symptoms, he did lose his taste and smell a day after feeling better??
I have an appointment tomorrow to get tested. I won’t have the results for 3-5 days.
We were planning on hosting my boys and my grandkids on Christmas Day.
These are confusing times.
Stay safe.
I don’t know how it is in the rest of the world, but here, in California, employers ask the employees to self monitor.
Every morning we fill out a questionnaire that says, if you answered, yes, to any of the questions, turn around, go home and report to your supervisor.
Well, my wife and I developed symptoms, low energy, scratchy throat, headache and a dry cough.
This morning I awoke feeling just fine. I haven’t lost my taste or smell, yet.
A coworker who tested positive has the same symptoms, he did lose his taste and smell a day after feeling better??
I have an appointment tomorrow to get tested. I won’t have the results for 3-5 days.
We were planning on hosting my boys and my grandkids on Christmas Day.
These are confusing times.
Stay safe.
You are doing the right thing. We ask employees to not even report to work if they have the symptoms and self monitor and report on symptoms.

We screen for temperature at the door. Anything over 100F and they are asked to leave. Hasn't happened yet.

Everyone that I know that has had it reports similar symptoms that you have, fatigue, sore throat, headache, cough. Some lost the two senses, others didn't. Recovered within a 5-10 days with no side effects.

Good luck and take care of yourself. Best wishes to you, your wife and rest of your family.
Be well my friend.
Please keep us up to date on you and your sweethearts well-being.
I am pretty sure I had it before the scare started, was down for a few days, only called off 1 day, first time in 10 yrs,. then the crazy started and I have been out of work since.
Lost sense of smell, so taste and appetite go with it. Lost some weight, so not a bad thing.
During the summer, could not tell a dog got skunked.......