It heating season again.


Rest In Peace
Mar 1, 2012
It's that wonderful time of the year where before I can do anything in the shop I have to warm it up.


It was 26F this morning outside and 44F in the shop.

AAAhhh, feels good. Throw another log on the fire.
Know the feeling. Just put my wood stove back in yesterday. I take it out inthe summer. It's using a block off thimble I made to fit in a window easy in easy out no pipe hole in ceiling or roof..endless supply of fire wood for a few years since ash boer wiped out all the ash trees

Thats what i need !! mmm warm in the workshop. Slightly jealous ;-)

i had about 2 months last year when it was way to cold.

Yeah, I just filled-up the #60 propane tanks the other day. Prices were the same as last year, surprisingly enough. We've had some cold days but I'm not ready to give-in yet and use the heater. Last couple years, I've been keeping the shop heated 24x7, letting it remain at 55F when I'm not there and heating up to 65F otherwise. Given my setup, that seems to work the best and 14 gallons of propane lasts about 5 weeks during the coldest part of the winter. I also leave an oscillating fan on that blows up at the ceiling to move the warm air around.

Soon the long underwear will come out of storage... I need a new pair of work boots too. I hate shopping.

Here in the north east UK we had our first frost last night, thanks for the reminder about the long underwear! My shop is getting a rebuild/makeover at the moment, so has no heating apart from a kerosene torpedo heater, but with kero at £8.00 odd a UK gallon ($12.77! that's more expensive than UK petrol) it only gets used in dire straits, and I am looking at two wood burners, one for the "domestic" end (office/stores/tearoom and bathroom) and one for the workshop proper, which I would like to be a wood fired warm air unit, ducted to maybe three points in the workshop. If anyone knows of plans to make such a heater, I would love to see it!
East Yorkshire UK.
Here in Arizona, it's that wonderful time of the year where we can work in our shops without going out an hour early to start the air conditioner up to cool it off first :D
You guys make me sick. Just sick. Here's what I was looking at two weeks ago today.

2013-10-21 17.03.26.jpg

Two days later they had enough that they had to plow the roads.

Of course, the photo above was in extreme northern Minnesota, but still, it just seems to soon for the white stuff. I know, the guys out there in the Rocky Mountain states are used to the stuff already, but I lament the passing of summer and fall each year. Winter just seems to get longer each year.

2013-10-21 17.03.26.jpg
Heck I had to mow leaves today ----- it will be 70 here Tuesday afternoon.:lmao: