It's cold out there

I left the prairies to get away from the cold but its -26 c or -15f right now and dropping to -28 c tonight with a wind chill of -38 c or -36 f. God I hate winter, but the good news is there's no mosquitoes right now.

It got up to 60 today, low tonight around 38. Boy I feel sorry for you guys in the winter time.

Throw another log on the fire,

7 here in Detroit. On a side note, does any one have any experience with this heater?

My kerosene torpedo works well but is kinda expensive to run. Wondering how well one of those would work in a block 22x22x8 (no insulation). Thanks

it warmed up to -10 now and the wind chill is -30 schools were all called off----the snakes aren't crawling around and no mosquitos

I don't think it would help much at all for that big of an area with no insulation----save your money and buy a good warm set of insulated coveralls----or get a small wood stove and it will warm it up cheap--- even with no insulation----Dave in cold Minnesota-------I have a natural gas overhead hot dawg heater that keeps my 14x24 shop warm without trouble ---but my shop is insulated----even without insulation I think it would be cheaper to run than a small electric heater----insulate your shop or--work FAST
It was -12c or minus th thhthh 30 with the w w i wwi nd chchill !!
This morning I worked on putting my lathe together in an unheated single garage . I had to come in the house every 20 minutes so I could feel my fingers and my assembly.

Still cold from it....

7 here in Detroit. On a side note, does any one have any experience with this heater?

My kerosene torpedo works well but is kinda expensive to run. Wondering how well one of those would work in a block 22x22x8 (no insulation). Thanks

Being Infra red it will heat up things and not air so they are kinda directional and that would be what you would want for an uninsulated area.
I've got a non Infra-red selectable 3200/5600watt that runs non stop in this cold weather, my electric bill will be $350-$400 this month. BTU's are expensive any way you go. I hate it but cant keep up with the shop and house both with wood. I just shake my head and go on.
7 here in Detroit. On a side note, does any one have any experience with this heater?

My kerosene torpedo works well but is kinda expensive to run. Wondering how well one of those would work in a block 22x22x8 (no insulation). Thanks

Dont have any experience with one of those, but I have one of these infrared keroscene torpedo heaters and love it.

7 here in Detroit. On a side note, does any one have any experience with this heater?

My kerosene torpedo works well but is kinda expensive to run. Wondering how well one of those would work in a block 22x22x8 (no insulation). Thanks

That heater has been around for years, my father had one exactly like it in his garage. It works well and heats up fast but the electric bill is gonna kill ya. That's not an infrared BTW it's convection, basically forced hot air.

I'd heat with propane if I were you. Something like this will heat up that space quick.

Or something like this if you're looking for radiant heat.

Kerosene is real stinky. Propane burns clean, and is much cheaper to use than electricity. In a garage propane works fine, and you won't have to worry too much about fumes. If you think kerosene is expensive, don't even think about electric.

Thanks for the input guys. I have a 55k btu kero torpedo, it works great, just expensive. And I seem to run out at the worse possible time. But I guess I'll have to stick with what I have. I wish my garage was stick built, insulation wouldn't be a problem. Since its brick I would have to frame it then insulate, expensive and takes up (a small amount of) squart footage. If it wasn't for the noise and having a 21 month old daughter (and son on the way in 2 weeks) I would do a basement shop, but that's out of the question.