Jim F . Sending this your way !

Just like my mini bike to much power it does wheelies and burnouts 6.5 hp total weight with me riding it is about 130lbs a bit too much power goes went 30mph in a bumpy field bit fast and scary
Woke up to about 5" this morning and still coming down hard. Weatherman got this one way wrong! We were only supposed to get 1-3" through the weekend??
We had rain most of the night. Our Christmas snow is just about gone. My buddy who lives about 150 miles further north sent this yesterday.

While my place looks like this.
Boy and his wife just went thru customs and are now in Canada . 6 hours and 52 minutes to the border , then maybe an hour or so till Toronto . They had no issues crossing the line they said . :encourage:
They arrived in Toronto in less than 8 hrs . :encourage: All's good .
Toronto is South of where I live in Wisconsin. Isn't that weird? I just told the wife last night that I am ready for a good 'ole blizzard. Something about being in my house and watching it come down.
Something about being in my house and watching it come down.
I hear that. I retired from 31 years with the town. All I want is to sit and watch it snow and know the phone's not going to ring to come to work. I want to be the guy that calls and says I can't come in today. I'm going to go play in the snow!