Mystery Tools

Might be gem holders for grinding or polishing facets on stones. Seems we have a jeweler onboard. Maybe some insight will manifest itself.
When I get the inserts cleaned up I'll post another picture.
Found one reference to J. Putz, NY being a purveyor of watch and clock repair tools, but then the trail went cold.

There is an odd similarity to a gemologist's "faceting machine" (picture from Google image search below) but I think I might be reading more into it than there really is.

Found one reference to J. Putz, NY being a purveyor of watch and clock repair tools, but then the trail went cold.

There is an odd similarity to a gemologist's "faceting machine" (picture from Google image search below) but I think I might be reading more into it than there really is.

Interesting find Frank.
I poked around a bit earlier, and the only thing I saw that even remotely reminded me of the above was this jewellers stone setting vise:
from here:

The guy I got this stuff from says it came out of a Pratt & Whitney machinist's toolbox.
Could they be for engraving , like the dials . My first thought was for bar feeder on a turret lathe. But I don't think so.
Hmm, I queried a neighbor who's a German trained instrument tech/ and clock repair guy and he didn't recognize it. But that was in the context of clock fab/ repair. It didn't dawn on me that I should have asked reference to gauges etc. that might have brought up a different reply. In the clock repair he came up blank. If I see him again I'll try the instrument tack. Not sure what the Pratt&Whitney angle would be. Sad, I knew a guy who worked for P&W as a turbine tech/foremen, but he passed recently :( I love mystery tools and I have several.
When I get the inserts cleaned up I'll post another picture.

It would be nice to have closeups with no shadows. I my case the person I'm asking is in his 80's so the clearer the pic and the less shadows the better. Just a suggestion. And the dollar bill was priceless. When I asked my neighbor if he recognized anything, he said yeah, thats a dollar bill! LOL!
I have a tool??? I've been trying for fifty years to find out what it is or does. The best I can figure it's really a quack doctor devise. It carries old time 1920s screw top batteries in the back of its case . It's beautiful wooden box , has wires to terminals , and some contact points in an arch. Two brass nickel plated hollow tubes the wires hook too. That store in bored holes in the outside of the box. If I can get my kids to get it off the shelf ill take pictures or video it. Dynamite detonator ???? Battery charger ???? Never found a picture or seen another.