Need help on Wisconsin v4 engine

Dave Smith

Active User
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
Mar 10, 2013
hope this is in the right forum. I am working on my Case 1537 skid loader that has a Wisc. v4 motor--the starter sounded very bad and so I removed it. the brushes were about gone and the armature very rough. the man I bought the loader from gave me another starter with it. I put new bushing on starter end and then I realized it was a 10 tooth drive gear and the one I took off was a 9 tooth. how do I know what is the correct one--9 or 10 tooth? Case dealer said he had no info.
does any member on here know for sure ? It is not easy to just put the starter in because of it's location. hopefully someone is an expert and knows the different applications for 9 tooth and 10 tooth starters. they are both starters without the solenoid on the starter.
thanks Dave
Here is a link to Pitt auto, IIRC they are the ones that still own Wisconsin. If you cannot find what you need here, try asking them.

thanks I had just found the Pitt auto info and was looking through all the good information they have on all the Wisc starters and engines. my engine is VG4D. I didn't find the teeth number on the starters yet but I will contact them for help. thanks alot for your help.
Can the drive gears be swapped ?
I think maybe they could be swapped ---after I know which is the correct number of teeth needed for the flywheel--I am hoping it is 10t
My Hobart welder/ generator has the VG4D, and it sounds like hell when starting.
I would use the gear from the original.
I don't know for sure which is the original---the 9t that was on the engine when I bought it was making all the bad noise, and the gear was all chewed up half gone--so he may have put the wrong one on. it did start eventually after all the terible noise but I knew something wasn't right. he had several other wisc motors that he was switching parts with so who knows ---I will try measuring the 9t and 10t gears and see if I can get a good measurement of the flywheel gear teeth. it is getting very cold here now and snow coming makes it hard for this 77 year old to work outside on the ground---why didn't I check out problem back when it was warm???
I don't know for sure which is the original---the 9t that was on the engine when I bought it was making all the bad noise, and the gear was all chewed up half gone--so he may have put the wrong one on. it did start eventually after all the terible noise but I knew something wasn't right. he had several other wisc motors that he was switching parts with so who knows ---I will try measuring the 9t and 10t gears and see if I can get a good measurement of the flywheel gear teeth. it is getting very cold here now and snow coming makes it hard for this 77 year old to work outside on the ground---why didn't I check out problem back when it was warm???
Now I understand.
I am 53 , and have the same issues.....