NSFW Never stop paying attention

Warning: thread may contain photos that are not for the squeamish.
Just last month in california a worker was killed by wood chipper. This past spring just a short distance from me in Oshawa Ontario an arborist was killed by wood chipper.
Little O/T here , but down at the food plant years ago , they caught a guy with his you know what in one of the pickle slicers .

They both got fired . :rolleyes: OK , I know it's an old joke . :oops:
Maybe type in the title, then Ctrl-C from start place, and Ctrl-V to copy it into the new place. The same posting left behind in "Off Topic" can stay, since folk have replied to it. That said, moving a whole thread is something that can be done. @vtcnc probably knows how, or knows someone who does. :)

Your posting is actually quite hard to look at, yet should be seen by all. The density of nerves in fingers is huge, compared to most other parts of the body, and the associated pain is extreme. I do hope it is healing well.
Good suggestion. I moved it to "All About Safety & Equipment". Also, I added a "Not Safe For Work" (NSFW) prefix tag that members can use. This internet slang used for warning people that may have a squeamish disposition to gore.
My feeling is as most of us are mechanics or machinists of some kind , our first instinct is to save the machinery when something goes wrong . This usually puts one in harms way one way or the other and doesn't end well . We have plenty of injuries and near misses at the plant . Most could have been prevented . We constantly inform employees that machinery can be replaced , your body parts can not .
Get it looked at. They might set it and cast it if the bone is broken. Mostly just to make sure it doesn’t heal crooked or to protect it from painful “knocks” while healing.

I’d be more counting my blessings it didn’t grab a hold of you or clothing/gloves and start pulling you in….could have lost a lot more than a finger or hand.

I’m not lecturing for sure. I’ve done stupid things more than once and was just lucky to get away with it. Doesn’t mean I didn’t have a “come to Jesus” moment after I realized how stupid I just was….

@Just for fun: While there, get it debrided & bandaged, get a Tetanus booster and a prescription for antibiotics.
Just read a story about a guy who fell into a cast iron crucible at a Caterpillar foundry. Caterpillar was fined only $147K.
He was only 9 days into his job, also.
My feeling is as most of us are mechanics or machinists of some kind , our first instinct is to save the machinery when something goes wrong . This usually puts one in harms way one way or the other and doesn't end well . We have plenty of injuries and near misses at the plant . Most could have been prevented . We constantly inform employees that machinery can be replaced , your body parts can not .
When I worked at a quarry, we were told if there is a fire, walk quickly away towards the scalehouse.
He was only 9 days into his job, also.
I read that and thought why that was included in the article. My first thought was, holy cow, that is terrible that new guy lost his life not even two weeks into the job. Then I thought, oh yeah, some people will read that and blame him for not being experienced.

EDIT: my thought is, nobody should ever be in a position to completely be SUBMERSED and INCINERATED in crucible. Maybe that is just me. :sarcasm:
Happens all the time . Young girl was killed on her first day up at McCormicks not long ago . Got crushed by a hydraulic dumper . Her trainer was at the computer console and not watching her .