PM-940m CNC - VS Motion Controller Conversion to Centroid Acorn

I am about to embark on a PM-940M cnc retrofit. I am going to use the Centroid Acorn board. This will be my first cnc endive and have enjoyed reading these postings. Any pict5ures or drawings that you may feel to be helpful would be greatly appreciated. I'm located in western North Carolina and have not started on dismantling the 940 yet. I plan on securing some parts first. I have the Acorn board here and will be doing the initial power and software loading later today or tomorrow. I hope some of my questions do not bore anyone. The age here is 69 and I am retired. I just want o bring the 940 up to 2018 standards. And besides it should be fun. Thanks.

Got to the next level this weekend.

Now that 940CNC is working on all axis and variable speed spindle, I wrote some simple g code programs, loaded them in CNC 12 and 1) used a pen to draw precise square and four arcs inside of it and 2)same thing with cutter in aluminum making passes at 0.001, 0.002, and 0.005 inches of cut. Next up is a 3D part via fusion 360 for my dad’s 58 chevy truck


Good luck to you John. You made the right choice for the Acorn controller. You should be able to set this thing up pretty nice some of the parts available. Be sure to check out Sam at CNC4XR7 on You Tube. He has a PM-727 he's modified. He also does some nice reviews on the available equipment.
That's pretty cool that you're making some good progress. Keep us posted on how things go.
That's pretty cool that you're making some good progress. Keep us posted on how things go.
That's pretty cool that you're making some good progress. Keep us posted on how things go.

Doug thanks. How is your machine going? Cutting metal yet? Really appreciate all your posts to help others.
Rick, looking good! I see you have 4 stepper controllers... did you get the 4th axis?

A few suggestions, I would ditch the handles on the X and Y... They do not feel good when they hit you. I would also remove manual Z, machine moves smoother and faster after that's removed.

Yes - I have the fourth axis stepper motor and chuck that mounts on the table. Have not used it yet.

I am going to take the z axis manual out this weekend. It makes way to much noise..... Great point on the X & Y handles - they will come off next
Great thread, curious if you would still advise to start with the turn key CNC machine or build up one from a hardened way manual PM-940?

I'm starting the journey of planning a purchase/build so I appreciate you detailing all the experiences you have had.