Retirement vs. Expirement .


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016
So i was informed I have 6 months off from work . A few on here were informed . Chemo starts next Tuesday , continueing on for 3 months , Surgerys for the next 3 months . I feel that it's not life threatening but rather life altering . Bladder cancer stage 2 into the muscle which means it must come out . Might be a PITA but I've buried my friends these past few years . As always , did you smoke , work with dangerous stuff , chemicals , well yeah , all of the above . So I had to work with what was handed to me , just the facts . The smoking , you younger guys have to think this out . 62 1/2 years old and thought I was invincible . Well 'm not . Only time will tell .
So i was informed I have 6 months off from work . A few on here were informed . Chemo starts next Tuesday , continueing on for 3 months , Surgerys for the next 3 months . I feel that it's not life threatening but rather life altering . Bladder cancer stage 2 into the muscle which means it must come out . Might be a PITA but I've buried my friends these past few years . As always , did you smoke , work with dangerous stuff , chemicals , well yeah , all of the above . So I had to work with what was handed to me , just the facts . The smoking , you younger guys have to think this out . 62 1/2 years old and thought I was invincible . Well 'm not . Only time will tell .
Good luck. These days things are way different, the likely hood of you surviving any cancer is much better than it was. Wishing you the best, and a fast recovery.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
All the best. Tough row to hoe, but I'm betting you come out on top. Mike
Man! Do what you need to, get well. Very sorry to hear the bad news and definitely wish you the best. I always enjoy your posts.
Cancer sucks big time. I'm glad it's treatable, but it's still a lot to deal with. Our thoughts are with you.
Oh Man, My fingers are crossed for a full recovery!

All of our thoughts are with you. Take good care of yourself, eat well and spend time with those you love....

I’m sorry to hear this news . Hope all goes well