Setting up my Acra 16x40 lathe - DRO, Tool post, VFD/Controls, & Tooling

Quick fun project this afternoon.. the lathe chuck key handle was loose in the bore and always sliding out. The probe on the milling machine makes short work of locating the center of the bore. The Yuasa 5c indexer is really slick for rotating 90 degrees. Switch collets to drill a small dimple in the handle, still centered because of the indexer. The dimple gives the set screw a pocket to register in. Worked out well, it's on center and goes together quite nicely.




Cleaned up the tailstock and got it on the lathe. I'm really happy with the new lathe.

Cleaned up the steady rest. No more lathe cleaning for a while ;)

I’ll store the steady rest on the end of the bed. I don’t have other storage sorted and I won’t be turning long parts often.

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That's where I keep my steady as well. That lathe was a very nice find.... what a tank! Cleaned up beautifully.
This is the tank in my shop. 14x30 American Pacemaker. 15hp spindle motor. Swings about 1/2” bigger diameter than the 16x40 Acra. Weighs about 2000 pounds more. The Acra does everything the old Pacemaker doesn’t- metric threading, reverse, 5C collets, D1 spindle (vs L1) and so on. The Pacemaker has a clutch and the Acra would be even sweeter with a clutch. I feel lucky having them both.

Now that is a tank! I've not seen a Pacemaker in action, but talking with guys that own one, it sounds like they will remove incredible amounts of material in a pass. I recently got an older Summit 1440B and it's clutched. I really like that feature. Very happy with the lathe. Inch/metric, huge variety of thread pitches, and at 3200 pounds pretty rigid for its size.
It will remove 1/2” on the diameter like it’s nothing. The chips sound like coins and it’s… intimidating. It’s almost 70 years old and there’s some backlash. The DRO takes care of the backlash for the most part. It’s a very capable machine. It spins up to 2000rpm as well.

Sounds like you’ve got a great lathe! 3200 pounds is noting to shake a stick at. I think the Acra is in that range.
That would be quite a rush taking a cut that big!

With it's full cast iron base, I'll bet your Acra is north of 4000 pounds.
Your Pacemaker with the 2000 rpm is pretty rare. American machines ran much faster than what was normal back in that day. I think the ways were replaceable ? I believe the through hole is larger than on the similar sized Monarch. I'm with you in machine choices. I have a Sharp VH25 which is a sensible choice like your Acra, but I'm drawn to my old Rambaudi UR60 or the old B and S machines that I will someday find. If you have a detailed thread on the pacemaker, direct me to it. Thanks, Dave
Dave, this is the thread I started when setting up the Pacemaker:

I don’t see the 27 speed gearbox very often and I look closely at every Pacemaker I see now that I own one. Yes, it is designed to have replaceable ways. They don’t have noticeable wear though. It’s just ugly from being repainted and paint chipped. I think it spent time outside before I got it, too.