The ones we love

I have had some ortho work done on knee, ankle, foot and shoulder. I have several friends that have undergone far more involved procedures. The common theme amongst all of us is the neccesity of proper physical therapy. It hurts, it is incovenient, it is another intrusion into the recovery, and it is absolutely essential to a complete recovery.

Diligence in the therapy program will ensure the surgery done will give the desired results.

You and your wife have shown plenty of diligence and perseverance thru your Paradise Fire experience. This aint that bad, I am completely sure.
I wish you both the best of luck, but you won't need it.
My wife just had her left knee replaced on Monday (28th) The first two days home are going to be very difficult for your wife (pain wise). Love and support her and you will both get thru this. Prayers going out to her for a speedy and as minimally pain free as possible recovery.
Ok, I’m very concerned about it. She can’t ice!. She has a cold allergy.
Thanks, I hope your bride is doing well.
How's it going today Jeff? I was thinking that there must be a threshold on what temperature causes her to react. Maybe tap water, a little cooler water from the fridge maybe, while not ideal any little cooling may help with comfort. A gallon Ziploc with a wash cloth in it.....
I'm pacing the floors waiting to take my wife to the hospital.
She is scheduled for full knee reconstruction this morning.
It's times like this that remind me once again of how much she means to me and our family.
God I love that woman.
We go through our days and I think we take each other for granted.
Not today.
So you are lucky like me. God made the perfect women for me too. She is the spindle my life revolves around.............get the pun? :big grin:
How's it going today Jeff? I was thinking that there must be a threshold on what temperature causes her to react. Maybe tap water, a little cooler water from the fridge maybe, while not ideal any little cooling may help with comfort. A gallon Ziploc with a wash cloth in it.....
She had a good night with one exception, she asked the nurse to look at her incision bandage. The nurse proceeded to rip it off, blood ran down her leg and all over her and the bed.
This is an open wound in a hospital. I think it could have been handled better.
This morning she had nausea, the bleeding has been moderate but they said it was pretty normal. The incision looks perfect so that's good.
I don't think they are going to let her go today either.
Thanks for asking.
Jeff, prayers and concern going out to you and your wife. A friend of mine just had one of his knees replaced but he is considerably older than you two. Like many others have said, stick to the regimen and she will do well.

Ok, I’m very concerned about it. She can’t ice!. She has a cold allergy.

Are you kidding me!?? I do too. I don't know of anyone else who has this except for one of my brothers. I think they call it cold induced urticaria.

My sister sent me these when I underwent my last 'episode'

Her family has had a tremendous amount of knee trouble, across several generations.
Trust me, she knows what an ice bag needs to do.

The fabric of this bag does not deliver the cold like a ziplock, or similar. No 'frostbite' effect.
They do not leak one single drop.
I cannot recommend them in any stronger language.
Jeff, prayers and concern going out to you and your wife. A friend of mine just had one of his knees replaced but he is considerably older than you two. Like many others have said, stick to the regimen and she will do well.

Are you kidding me!?? I do too. I don't know of anyone else who has this except for one of my brothers. I think they call it cold induced urticaria.
We have never known anyone who has had this.
Cheers mate.