What Hand Cleaner?

i used something called crestore white color pummice infused gas station approved
This is unhealthy I'm pretty certain. When I worked in an impeller grinding\polishing/deburr (tyvek hood and suit with ac) cell we used mean green. It doesn't get everything but it worked well for sweat mixed with brass, cast iron, bronze and stainless dust.

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I was shocked how well baby oil (mineral oil) works. It helps even more if you rub some in prior to doing any work.
Stop wasting money. I've tried all the big name hand cleaners but the best I ever used is the Tarkelp hand cleaner sold at Harbor Freight. Made in the USA and a lot cheaper than all the rest. My hands get pretty grimy working on old tractors and machines but this stuff removes it all and is easy on the skin. Even my wife uses it! I buy a tub every time I stop by HF.
Reinol K works like magic. Wet your hands rub a small amount in keep rubbing then wash off in cold water. It works on clothes as well. Smooth clean hands. It's pricy and usually you have to buy quite a lot so I split an order with friends
One 2 kg tub lasts years. I was introduced to it by some Printers who used it to get oil based inks off their hands Swarfeaga, Orange goop etc are poor in comparison
I usually have this stuff on-hand so I mix good dish detergent with mineral oil to get the first layers of grease and crud off. Then just the detergent. Sometimes I'll add a little powder cleaner like Bon Ami. Haven't had any problems yet...and the little orange people on the chartreuse ponies like it too. :)
call me old school , but i use a combination of Borax with Dawn dish soap drizzled on top

Ok, Mikey, you are old school.

I remember the shop teacher telling us that machining is the only trade where you wash your hands before you use the toilet. Important to keep some parts pristine and clean.
Tried a lot over the years... Nothin beat Boraxo powdered hand cleaner ... I still use it...
I use a spray bottle with 50/50 simple green and water. Quick and effective.