Where white man went wrong

the clip is funny and makes you think.
I guess in this world today to be PC we have to stop laughing at humans and only laugh at animals
they have not organized into PC groups yet
the clip is funny and makes you think.
I guess in this world today to be PC we have to stop laughing at humans and only laugh at animals
they have not organized into PC groups yet
Did you see any of the Westminster Dog Show this week? I guess those dogs would be in the 1%! Political correctness is ruining our society.
:shush: We don't want peta to get involved.:shush:
***********Just Sayihg*************Gator************:bash:
And people wonder how the Indians have survived everything they have and are still around (thankfully).
Being PC, is another reason people don't talk right.

Just say what you're thinking, for Christ's sake.

BS, is PC.
i live 18 miles from the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, their PC means poverty central
hmm being a native, I'll just watch this play out... :whistle::whistle:
Here, it stands for Polite Conversation. And yes, we enforce it. This may be humorous to some, and I recognize that it's practically impossible to think about how what you are about to say your entire audience. But I honestly believe that part of the issue lies with the overly sensitive to some degree in some cases. I will make no judgement here, but let's limit how far the implied insults go, in either direction. And if you are offended by this thread and its progression, I apologize for that, and suggest that you avoid this thread. It may be better to delete it, but I want to make the Forum position clear. Call it what you want, but we WILL be friendly, all around.