Summer Get Together

Sounds good to me, though I doubt you will be able to fit all of those activities into a single day, especially if the turnout is good. Just as a planning note, a primer on black powder safety and use for those interested in making cannons, etc, would take an hour all by itself at minimum, without even talking about machining.
I know you probably don't need more topics but, if I can attend, I might bring a couple small samples of stock material with the noob question of "what type of steel is this?” and a short discussion and possibly a few simple grinder spark tests or whatever to help learn how to do this sort of identification.

My local iron store doesn't always seem to know exactly what I grab out of their "drops" bin.

Baring a catastrophe, I'll be there
T&T and lunch.
Have a great doughnut shop close or willing to take different suggestion.
We have a date!
Saturday 7/18/2015 (my apologies to anyone for whom Saturday is a holy day).
Dayton MN.
Come very early, and stay very late.

This sounds like a HM Member game spouses/best friends/dance partners are very welcome if they want to play/chat with us. My bride reports that her boss is out for the month of July and she cannot guarantee that she will be available as she has the dubious honor of covering the 24/7/365 department while he is out.

Terry, you are right about me trying to pack to much into the day. I write to much curriculum and do not participate in enough casual conversation.
Please plan on the black powder presentation as you've outlined above.

I'll contact T&T and my metals guy to learn if they are interested.

All, please PM to confirm that you think you might come. In exchange for the PM (RSVP) I will provide my address.

What am I missing......

Daryl--I don't know how to send a PM anymore--but July 18th sounds good for me --I'll be there---I don't know what T&T is but I'm sure by July that I will---Dave
Yes, I found the new PM format to be difficult to figure out as well. And that explains why you didn't respond to a few of my PMs.
I'm reticent to post my address.
However, my cell phone# 763-607-6836, and my email is

Tried and True is at:
250 Osborne Rd NE, Minneapolis, MN 55432
(763) 574-0407

I recieved a suggestion that I call a caterer and let somebody else worry about lunch.
Thoughts anyone?
There would be some expense involved with a caterer.
But, it'd be one less thing to think about and eliminate a distraction.

I also couldn't figure out how to do a PM, but I'm planning to go. Personally I prefer a potluck to a caterer.
wlburton, please note my cell phone and email above. Contact me and I will forward my address.

I spoke with Bill at the steel yard today. He is very willing to accommodate pre-orders at very good prices especially if we build a large order. However, coincidentally he is scheduled to be in New Orleans with his wife that weekend. He stated that his son Mike would have the yard open for you. Note: they also have V-belts, flat belts, bolts, pin, git cups, bar stock, sheet stock, etc, they can shear bend and cut to order. Mike stated he was interested in joining us after he fills any orders anyone might have.

I spoke with Paul, the owner at T&T. He seemed eager to spring for brats etc if some of the HM members are willing to stop by his store. He will invite his crew to join us when the store closes. Note: he will purchase used items and/or take them on consignment.

Additionally, please consider bringing items to trade at the "meeting".

Given T&Ts contribution. This sounds like a pot luck. I'll set up some boards on saw horses. Plan on bringing a chair.
I look forward to Wermies presentation on black powder.
Consider coming early and/or staying late, bring some metal stock and a plan, if you'd like to work on project. This might be especially helpful if you are new to this.
Questions like how do you use a micrometer are fair game, or how do you set up a four jaw chuck, or perhaps you'd like to attempt to lay down some TIG weld.

If you are coming in from out of town and have a camper I will set you up in the drive way.

I received an email asking what Tried and True is.
My error I should have been specific.

T&T is a used machine and tooling store. They specialize in the small stuff appropriate for a home shop, and not the multi thousand pound machines.
Make no mistake, it is a business. They fully intend to make money. However, I find there prices to be competitive with Ebay. If you have items that you want to sell they would purchase them from you or you could leave them there on consignment.

Most importantly they are honest. If they have an item you are considering purchasing they will tell you if they are aware of any problems with the item, if the store isn't packed with customers, they will take the time to ask about your current project and offer suggestions on how to solve a machining problem, sometimes this means the loss of a sale.

Also, yesterday I got a phone call from a HM Lurker. Wooley is a machine mechanic, with a specialty in winding armatures, rebuilding motors, and motors starters. He invited me to visit his shop coincidentally 10 minutes from my place. Great shop, like Dave Smith (Rochester) I could spend a week there and not see his entire shop. Wooley plans to attend our gathering. However, he plans to continue lurking on HM, as he has concerns about becoming a member.

Should anyone have electrical questions, would like to see him rewind an armature, wire a panel, etc he will plan a demonstration and/or invite you to his shop. Either contact me and I will forward you request and questions, or make the post within this thread. Wooley is monitoring and will plan accordingly. Regardless, he is looking forward to meeting all of you. I believe he will fit in extremely well with the group, as near as I can tell he is as goofy as the rest of us.
