2015 POTD Thread Archive

+1. Nice, beefy looking wheels. I can see why you wanted a test drive!
Franko, That is a good idea, and it looks good also, It keeps it close to the floor, but allows you to move it. Nice.
Looks good DinDin. How did you cut the gashes?

I just cut them with an angle grinder and cleaned up a little with a file, was not very pretty but worked fine.
this was yesterday but thought you guys would like this one.

I B slapped myself with a piece of steel I was hand drilling in the vise. A slight taper in the boss I had clamped let one end twist up like a catapult. Moe, Moe , What hit hit me.
Holy cow

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I gotta ask, were your safety glasses effective in that unfortunate miscalculation?
No my safety glasses were fine. partly because the actual strike was on the corner of eye socket bone not the eye. But mostly because they were not on. I am most times a fanatic about wearing them. I never run machines without them. I keep a pair at the mill, a pair at the lathe, A pair by the grinder and sander. the drill press shares the pair at the lathe. there is also a few pair hanging on the peg board at the bench. I even have some with cheaters in them for finer stuff.
I bet you said a few words to that piece of steel,