Awesome Practical Joke

I had a lady manager eho kept a tan colored hand lotion on her desk. The phones were all the same color as the lotion. If you need more explaination, pm me:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Jake Parker
We would put indelible black marker on the inside of a newbies ear muffs. He would come into the break room with a full set of Elvis sideburns:roflmao:
I've seen the grease zerk drilled and taped into box and the box filled with Grease!!

A very dear friend who passed away recently told me of when he worked in the maintenance dept @ Falk Corp.

The guys there filled a buddy's jacket sleeves with grease !
I worked with a guy who had some old school hubcaps on his truck. He lost one, and complained about not being able to find a replacement. After getting sick of listening to his whining. I poped the hubcap of of the passenger rear wheel. He was missing the front drivers side. I gave him his own hubcap as a gift. I told him I found it at a yard sale. He was so happy he went imediatly to install his " replacement". After he put it on we watched him walk around the truck and notice the missing rear hubcap.
He gave me several new names as we all laughed.

Jake Parker
My uncle worked at a plant where some guys got into the habit of stealing someone's lunch out of the locker. It happened to him a couple times. He packed a special lunch one day... A very nice peanut butter and axle-grease sandwich.

I think the good old fill the tool box with spray foam is a good one.

Master of unfinished projects
A classic I've seen is filling a box with a block of shaving cream. Take a standard pressurized can of shaving cream and carefully submerge it in liquid nitrogen or other uber chilly liquid. It will solidify. Use tin snips to remove the can and place the block in a box belonging to your target. The cream will expand several times in volume as it warms.

Amazing what half a dozen cans will do to a compact car!

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It is time for lunch. Open your lunch box and there is a lunch box full of eyeballs staring back at you.
At the company bbque and that sausage on the grill that you were eyeing up is not a regular sausage. A couple items from working in a slaughter house.
Had a boss that always carried a portable phone with him as he wandered through the shop. One day he left the phone sitting out in the shop and I got to it. He would wander around looking for it, and I would dial his extension. At which point, he would race to his little cubicle and answer his desk phone. I would then hang up. I did this for the whole dang day. One of my best days at work.
Phones were fun. You could wire a push-button switch to to an older pulse-dial phone and make it dial a wrong number. Then touch-tone phones arrived. As a favor to the financial manager's secretaries I installed a relay and capacitor in his phone with buttons under their desks. It would change the touchtone frequencies just enough so they wouldn't work. He would always get wrong numbers but nobody else in the office had any problem with the phone.