Broke my mill (grrrr).
Some days just don't go well.
I spent several hours to cancel my AT&T cellular data service for my iPad. Set that up probably 8 years ago when I was traveling a lot for work. It was convenient to have something a bit bigger than a cell phone that almost always had connectivity. Well, they wanted to text a code to my device to confirm my identity on the phone. iPad (data only device) doesn't receive texts. Grr. Finally got that straightened out after a trip to a local AT&T store and then another call to their customer service.
And the parts (a rectifier) to fix the electric motor on my diesel transfer tank pump didn't make it here today despite Amazon promising USPS would deliver today. Not surprising.
But the real frustration: I was milling up some fixture blocks to make the end trucks. Wanted something to clamp everything to in order to get good alignment for welding. Figured a couple of 4.5" x 3" rectangular pieces would work well (that's the inside dimensions on the bright green part in the last picture of the previous post). Milled to size should make for good tolerances. Set everything up and was squaring the block up with the power feed.
Heard the sound of something like a bolt dropping into the bottom tray of the mill. A moment later the X axis power feed froze. Turns out the gib screw for the x axis had broke off.
And without that screw, the table was traveling in the direction for the gib to wedge tighter. It was out about 3", although only shows 1/2" here. You can see the oil smear from where it was.

Can you say "really f**ing tight?". I started with the little hammer and brass punch sitting on the table in the first picture. Then a ball peen hammer. Then a 5 lb hammer and a bigger brass drift. Still wouldn't move after working on it for 15 minutes or so. Leadscrew turned back and forth about .040" before binding. Figure that's play in the leadscrew nut and/or bearings.
I finally had to hit it with the railroad spike sitting in the bottom tray here:
The gib is what is sitting across the vice in the first picture. I dressed up the end a bit on the belt sander, and did a little scraping on it (wear pattern indicated less than .5 square inches of contact across a 14" x 1" (approx) face.
So I guess tomorrow I make a new screw on the lathe. Probably make two, the first one knurled so that I can put it in the mill and use the mill to slot the second one. I was pleasantly surprised it is 20 TPI (checked with a thread gauge) I expected metric, it is a Grizzly mill. Major diameter is .305"
I think the screw backed out enough to bind the gib, which then snapped off the screw head. Need to put some thread locker on these. Any suggestions for something that stays gummy? I have some Permatex aviation form-a-gasket that would be better than nothing.