Corona-Just My Thoughts Only

If anyone has the technology, resources and wherewithal to completely eliminate Coronavirus from the face of the Earth, please put mosquitoes on your to-do list.

I could be wrong, very wrong, but the reason this is a "novel" virus is because it is a new virus we have NEVER seen and this also means that it is here to stay.

The polio virus has been virtually extinguished in the western world through near-universal immunization (multiple doses). I don't think anyone knows yet if a similar result is possible with Covid-19. We can hope, though.

The polio virus has been virtually extinguished in the western world through near-universal immunization (multiple doses). I don't think anyone knows yet if a similar result is possible with Covid-19. We can hope, though.

Right, yes, maybe I was trying to make a point indirectly, sorry. I understand the point about eradication through immunization and it is valid to think that through cooperation, science and public policy that (if the science works out) COVID could be handled like polio, small pox, etc. My point is that all of them still exist out in the wild and they don't go away - if they did magically disappear none of us would need vaccinations throughout our lifetimes for things like measles, mumps, rubella, influenza, etc.