Does It Exists, 3 Axis Display 4 Igaging Dro?

The digits on the app are not only moving they are calibrated and working fantastic. Now I will get an enclosure and a small dedicated android device. You don't now how close I was to calling it quits.
Yuri did post that Absolute DRO scales will not currently work with Touch DRO
Another person replied with this:
"At a minimum, the Absolute DRO has a 2KHz clock. But, changing the clock freq isn't enough.
The data line is severely attenuated with a 5.6K PD resistor. The original display unit has a 100K PU resistor, so this will require a schematic change to match."

I see on one of Yuri's post someone claims to have got the AbsoluteDRO Plus scales working with a Touch DRO without requiring any additional hardware.
I e-mailed him and asked him if he'd share his findings here. I'd like to see the Absolutes working with TouchDRO, that would be nice.
Nice of him to stop by so quickly. Thanks Craig!
I e-mailed him and asked him if he'd share his findings here. I'd like to see the Absolutes working with TouchDRO, that would be nice.
Nice of him to stop by so quickly. Thanks Craig!
Shhh.... Don't act so excited! We might scare him off! I replied to his post as well in hopes he would share with us as well. I was hoping we would start a new thread for touch dro. Place to share wiring diagrams and set ups.
Any of you guys that emailed this guy ever hear back ???
Posted a teaser and seems to have dissappeared.
I too got the Igaging stainless steel scales. I get them before the posts about them not working in the Touch DRO application. I built the Arduino interface and got it working just no data coming from the scales. Am hoping Yuri or Craig will come up with the goods, until the will need to use the supplied readouts.
I stopped my controller build since I didn't know if it would require a schematic change.
I talked to a couple guys at work that may be able to help out, be a couple three weeks before I know due to schedule differences.