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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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Bill, I love the look of that. Great work.
Oh Bill, look what you've done now! The base looks like rubbish compared to the new stuff. Serioiusly, dial it back a notch, you're making the rest of us look bad ;)

All kidding aside, WOW! This is starting to look prety sweet. I think it needs a name now. I am going to propose the "Gruby Grinder". Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
Thank you all for the kind words.

The last binder, this one to lock the Mandrel is almost done. A flycutter cut the radius. It doesn't fall out when in place so it's time to drill and tap it them cut it. A better and recognized way to make binders ir to hve them in the part while boring the hole for the mating part. I don't always follow the norm. It makes a project more interesting. :rofl:

"Billy G"

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Thanks for post #373 Billy. I will need to make cuts like that and my inexperienced brain is thinking I have to find the exact radius end mill. Hadn't considered a fly cutter. Genius! I love this thread and the entire forum.

Glad I could help Dave. Binders are in and only need the "T-Bar" to help in locking them. That leaves 2 operations and the work head is finished, flute the draw bar nut and do the graduation. I will finish the nut today and that will leave only the graduation to do tomorrow. We will finish this part up before Monday.

"Billy G"

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Sorry Brian, graduations will have to be tomorrow. I tied up all the loose ends today. Other than graduation marks and numbers the work head is finished. I will definitely hit the hay early tonight. It'd been a long day. :))

"Billy G"

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Nice looking flutes, Bill. You should be able to put plenty of torque on that. Very nice.
It's looking great Bill! This cutter grinder is a lot more involved than i initially thought. It's gonna be a sweet little machine when it's done.:))

I gotta tell ya Marcel and the rest of you, it's a lot more involved than I thought also. It's been a challenge for sure. We have been at this since December 1, 2013, that's over seven weeks ago.

"Billy G"
Billy--you get an A for workmanship and work ethic. And thanks for taking and sharing the photos and process.
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