How Many of You Guys Have Multiple Same Tools? Also, I Need Your Opinion

I'm up to 14 drill presses and I have 100's of vise's...
If you told the guy you would trade then you should do it.
I really don't like people that say they are going to do something and then back out of it...
I have 2 South bend Heavy 10 Lathes one is a 3ft bed and the other has a 3.5ft bed..... If you get an old lathe make sure you get two.... I have 13 Kennedy tool boxes...... 2 Drill presses..... I'm addicted to vises I probably have close to 20..... I just bought 5 machinist squares all the same size....
My brother and I recently closed are small engine and mower repair shop . The amount of tools was staggering once everything was finally moved the ground raised up 3 inches lol .
Remember 1 is none, 2 is one...... Its always better to have doubles.... When I really need a tool and it breaks I would rather have an extra on standby rather than having to put everything on hold until a replacement can be obtained.....
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Not all of us are tool hoarders even though we have been accused of being one. Like many others here I do have multiples of some tools. However they are not in "storage", "in need of repair", "for spare parts" or, "for just in case". I have multiple drill presses, grinders, surface plates, lathes, and a ton of duplicates as far as hand tools are concerned.. All of the tools in the shop are fully functional and are used on a regular basis. Some are setup for specific purposes.

One grinder is setup for HSS tooling while another is setup for carbide. The third is setup with buffing and polishing wheels. One of the drill presses is used regularly for deburring while the other is used for actual drilling. One lathe is used more often than not with a 5C collet setup while the other switches setup between a 3 jaw scroll chuck and a 4 jaw independent chuck.

I just gave away a small 1930's era Sears Companion lathe that I had restored for my brothers grandsons. At first dad and mom thought it might be a good idea, but after a more thorough evaluation they decided the kids were still too young to be taught to operate it safely. I hate stumbling over things that just take up space. If it has a purpose and is used regularly I'll keep it. If it's just eye candy or something I'll never use I don't need it taking up valuable space. There are still a couple machines I'd like to add to the shop like a Jig Bore and Toll Cutter Grinder. I continue to keep an eye open for them. Should I find either at the right price I would have to evaluate which machines would stay and which would go

I guess my point is that if you have the room, the tools are functional, and you have a use for them I would keep them. If space is a problem, or you're just saving something you'll never use because "it's neat" I would let it go to someone who could actually use and enjoy it.
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