Is this a lot of food?

I haven't read the entire thread, so forgive me if you talked about it. I'm sure there are many apps to do this, but my experience was with the My Fitness Pal app It has a learning curve, like anything, but it's easy once you get used to it. I used it religiously until I got a good handle on portions/nutrition/calories, etc. I don't use the app anymore.

I'm lucky and don't have much of a weight problem, and I'm in the gym before work. However, I still put on unwanted pounds, but I don't do anything about it until my pants become uncomfortable. I am cheap in that respect and refuse to buy clothes to accommodate new girth. My diet is simple when I am on a mission to drop weight. I can eat as much as I want, whenever I want, as long as it is a single ingredient. It's good to go if it walks, swims, etc., or grows in, on, or above the ground, and nothing can be processed. The part about eating as much as I want and whenever is mostly a mental thing, so I don't fixate on time between meals or fear starving myself. A diet that works for one may not work for another.
I'm a diabetic so it encourages me to control what & how much I eat. If I don't control my glucose levels I'll end up w/o feet & blind, then dead. The obvious way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you eat. If you are always thinking I want to eat, try eating things that are bulky and low in calories. Lots of veggies, meats, few carbs. Get off your deceased burro and move, work, play, swim. Don't cheat, that just sets you back from your goal. Being overweight increases your risk of becoming diabetic. I can assure you that's not fun!
And I've said this before, I don't diet and exercise. I started that diet years ago so I could exercise. Too much of anything could be a bad thing. If I'm cutting my intake to whatever degree, enough to lose significant weight (known), I could jeopardize all that by rumning down my energy, possibly causing excessive hunger. Which could lead to gorging. Sometimes you have to climb 1 hill at a time. Hey whatever works for you. I do know my own limits.

I have lost significant weight exercising alone (even while eating garbage). Body isn't up to it right now. I wish it was.

I do hope and pray I'll be resume some level of exercise, never did a lot. Body is very out of shape. I had to bust my hump patching a tire over the weekend. I had never had a problem like that before. Maybe it was a stubborn tire. I did nearly break 1 of the handles. Is there such thing as a sturdy as hell professional grade tire repair kit? Seems I'll be needing 1.
Eating well requires diligence. Period. I do very little sugar, very little bread. I eliminated donuts, frenchfries, cake, cookies, pie, etc years ago. Zero fast food. I try to do no beer during the week. Black coffee, unsweet tea, everything counts.
I will not live lime an ascetic. None of this, zero that. No reason unless you suffer from specific health issues. And my heart goes out to you. But for imstance my triglycerides were 405 in late 2010. It took time. But they are nowadays consistently around 100. 2 years ago for a spell they were back up to 200, but it didn't last.

The only thing I'd like to give up altogether is meat. It weighs and slows you down. I hate repeating myself, but I was clearer and healthier when I was a vej.
So ... and being this thread has become my personal dieting blog, my portions have to be lessened. In a big way. I had my early afternoon coffee (I'm a late riser at times) - 24oz, 5 sugar packets, perhaps 1.5" of half and half at the top of the cup, probably will need to take that down some. Then came home, 2 softish boiled eggs w/sea salt - very salty stuff. And a quart
Of low fat strawberry yogurt. Bleh. 2 eggs is better then 4, but that quart of yogurt ... that was my last full quart, I had even stopped buying quarts. I don't leave anything on a plate, no partial containers of anything except condiments etc. If it's in frontame, I eats it. I eats every bit.

But I'm learning. The yogurt I can get sick of for a day or two. But it's such an awesome morning sweet treat. Just need to lessen the portions, which isn't hard to do as I often feel bloated lately. And the sugar! There is a lot. But it in itself has not shown to be a deterrent to weight loss. The proof is in the yogurt. I've done it. Now ... did I read 110 grams of sugar in a 32oz. container??? Holy moley. I've wanted to look into making my own yogurt for a while now. It's not hard. This way I can control what goes in it.

Cut out a whole meal a day over 15 years ago. Meals were just so huge. Used to eat out a lot. And it was about comfort, not out of concern for anything. Now I may have to lessen my portions to the point I may eat 3x a day once again.

I'm still learning about food. I know so little. Just know not all, by any stretch, that's being said about weight loss and food has a lot of embedded truth. Or just may not apply to everyone in every situation.