R8 ER32 collet chuck source.

On that note...why is Shars always out of things....many things. I find out of stock Shars tools in eBay for 100's of times mark up. There was an AXA 250-101 for like $800! I'd go Aloris for that price (well much lower)

Yeah, I've noticed that too with Shars. I started noticing when the first round of tarrifs were kicking in. That was a while ago & many of those items still show out of stock. Not sure if it's actually due to the tarrifs or a production/supplier issue.

It's not gouging. You wouldn't be able to buy at those prices anyway even if you wanted to. Many sellers on ebay will change the price to some outrageous price when out of stock. It's so they don't have to create a new listing, maintains those who have the items in their watch list, as well as purchase history. Sellers have been doing this for years, not just Shars but Shars actually changes the listing title to "Out of Stock".
I 'd love to get my hands on some of the highly coveted Share tools

If you shop around you can find the same products. Many of their products are not exclusive to them. They don't make their own products, they just have their name put on them.
$4700 or $47 ? :grin: Well , for the price of that + the boring head , you could buy a new cnc mill ! LOL .
I don't get it Will . :dunno:

Why even put something like that on Ebay ?

For businesses, if you have hundreds of listings for items that you sell on a regular basis you will understand why. Deleting a listing when out of stock, then recreating a listing when back in stock is very time consuming. Try doing that for just 60 listings & see how long it takes you. Many times you never see this. You are seeing it with Shars cause many of their listings have been OOS for a while.

Those listings weren't originally listed like that, they were changed to those prices. When back in stock they will change the listing back to how they were.
Hmmm...……………………….I may have to re-think my selling strategies . Anyone need a $17000 square ? :dollars:
Agreed, you can pull an item/sale at any time.
found the Shars R8-er32 collet for $4700 on ebay right now. Good Lord!

Sure you can but if you don't have hundreds of listings & sell on ebay on a regular basis you won't understand.

So what if it's listed at $4700, and what does the page say, OOS yes? You're making noise about something for no reason. Who cares.