Should I Get This Manual Sheet Metal Notcher?

Great deal, indeed. Now your problem is going to be the 230 volts the motor needs. I recall a previous thread in which you were thinking of combining two 115 volt circuits. Good luck getting proper power to it [safely!]
Great deal, indeed. Now your problem is going to be the 230 volts the motor needs. I recall a previous thread in which you were thinking of combining two 115 volt circuits. Good luck getting proper power to it [safely!]
Hman, if I don't use that "" gadget, I also have a 3000 watt step up transformer. As for my single phase residential wiring, I can either use my 5hp rotary phase converter with the Bridgeport's 1.5hp original motor, or use my 2hp inverter duty motor with my inverter vfd.
Well, I saw the Bridgeport mill today. Here it is:
View attachment 286078
No runout, sounded good, looked good. Turns out I was wrong. This mill wasn't at a college. It is at a private high school where a lot of the students are from very rich winery families (Sonama). Tuition is $49K per year. The school decided to get rid of the old ugly machines, like this Bridgeport since the kids wanted to work on pretty CNC machines. WTF?

Anyways, the facilities manager said that the school had the machine looked over by a machinist when they first bought the machine from my alma mater, San Jose State University, and then again last month before putting it up for sale. They were told the mill was good to go, and maybe could use some lithium grease on the table leadscrew.

Btw, I looked up the year of manufacture for this mill after seeing the serial #. This series 1 2J Bridgeport was made in 1976.

As for transporting the mill, I also turned to a business associate of my liquidator friend who runs a machinery transportation business. To drive to Santa Rosa (90 min drive each way from his Fremont location) pickup the mill with his forklift and flatbed truck, and with an assistant, he said it would cost me $400. He also told me to not worry about not having the money now, and I could just pay him later, whenever. I think he is being extra generous due to a case of yellow fever, but I could be wrong ;-)

As for the school selling the mill, I tried to give the facilities mgr half the money now, but he told me to just give him the full $450 later, when I have it, and to not worry since he could tell I really wanted the machine and he'll just hold it for me.

Wow. I think I really lucked out finding this mill.

Now, is anyone here interested in buying my 1976 Jet mill drill...?

You have very excellent Karma !!!
What a tale! Start off with a notcher and end up with a BP.

Right now there are two different BP clones for $500 ea. on CL, with one very close by. I let the lack of space and the scary idea of doing the rigging myself along with electrical questions deter me. Reading about how all of this and even worse has not dented your enthusiasm makes me feel like a wimp.......
What a tale! Start off with a notcher and end up with a BP.

Right now there are two different BP clones for $500 ea. on CL, with one very close by. I let the lack of space and the scary idea of doing the rigging myself along with electrical questions deter me. Reading about how all of this and even worse has not dented your enthusiasm makes me feel like a wimp.......

I'm 6'2" 140bls and I got my bridgeport home and on the ground by myself..... You can do this!
I'm a retired wimp, and I have moved all my machines myself (with a little help from my friends)... Patience and risk avoidance are key. There a a bunch of videos on the 'tube on moving heavy machines. I prefer the pipe-and-crowbar over all, even though I now have all the toys as well.

So C-bag you can do it! There may be several guys from the forum here near you to help out - they may even have a few of the toys to make the job easier. The only place I'd hire professionals is moving large machines up and down stairs. That is very technical and risky for a beginner.
Either mill, if the spindle bearings are even close to okay are a super deal!
- If I was closer, I'd offer to help you move your purchase.