Small addition for a small shop


Sep 3, 2020
Every once in a while I get a bug up my butt and I decide to do a shop project.

The original shop is a 12' x 20' chunk of my 30' x 40' garage. I just walled off the section and framed the outside wall then drywall to protect the insulation. I keep it around 40⁰ in the winter and warm it up when I need it.

This weekend I claimed the rest of the end section of my garage along with a 10 ft garage door. The new section had to be 15' wide to accommodate the garage door.

I used an interior grade primed door. I would have used an exterior door but they are near $400 and up. I hope it holds up okay.

This area will end up with benches for my bench grinders, arbor and hydraulic presses, welders, oxy acetylene torches. It will only be heated when I need to use the area. The garage door will be too hard to insulate well for maintaining temperature. No more freezing my fingers every time I need to clean up something on the wire wheel. Should heat up pretty quickly when needed.

I am horrible at drywall......just look at the outlets. Lol!




Ceiling drywall is going up next weekend.

The original shop door I built that is staying in place to keep the shop nice and toasty.

I just ordered a semi flexible foam kit for the garage door. It has 1 1/4" thick panels. My 10 ft door requires ordering more than one kit because of the longer than normal panels. Should add just over 10 lbs to the door.

I moved the current outside weather stripping closer to the door so it seals better. I insulated above the garage door. Today was the first time I got it warm in there. Sealing the weather stripping helped a ton.

Then I wired up the new outlets that will feed all the bench grinders on the bench.

I also bought the lumber for the benches. I'm only going 12" deep on the grinder bench. I may do a fairly shallow bench for the arbor presses since they don't need much room behind them and I don't need the extra space to catch clutter. Just wide enough for the heavy 3 ton arbor press.20230227_094049.jpg

The door has molding and a very soft weather stripping. It closes super easy and quietly.