3 question IQ test - just for fun!

I got the bat question wrong. Too impatient to subtract $1-.10. Lol

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3. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?

I have a quibble about the third question.

Take a lily pad that is 2" in diameter. After 48 days of doubling, the area covered by the lily pads will be:

(2 * π) * 2^48, or 1.768559 * 10^15 sq inches


12,281 billion square feet,


440,544 square miles.

The surface area of the earth is:

4 * π * r^2, or 4 * π * (8500 miles * 5280 feet/mile * 12 inches/feet)^2, or 3.644837^18 sq inches


25,311,370 billion square feet,


907,920,399 square miles.

The real question should be, how many days before all non-lily life is wiped out by the lilies?
The real question should be, how many days before all non-lily life is wiped out by the lilies?

If they taste okay we're good.
If they are poison, we're doomed.

If they taste okay we're good.
If they are poison, we're doomed.


If they're not poison, we humans would have to develop a liking for everything lily in a very short time!
All I have to say about it is, the guy who invented the test obviously wasn't a genius, but I'm sure he thought he was. Okay, I lied. That's not really all I have to say about it. Also, I'm glad to see it was "developed" at a private university, not a tax payer funded public school. I just hope he wasn't working on a Federal grant.

If a train left Chicago doing 100 mph....

A fun fact about question #3. If we assume that a lily pad is about 4" or 10cm across and we start with a single lily pad, what is the size of the lake?
Answer, the lake will have a a surface area of 2.8E12 m^2 or 2.8E6 sq. km (2,800,000 sq. km.). The total surface are of the Great Lakes is 244,106 sq. km. so the size of the lake would be more than ten times the combined size of the Great Lakes. One big lily pond!