How do you remove metal stuck to your shoes before walking into the house?

Congrats on your new status Bob. I guess if she's known you for 36 yrs, she can't say she didn't know what she was getting her self in to. Can't wait to see the new digs, and hope you find something that you both will love. Cheers Mike
I recently got married, for the first time at age 68, and have known my wife for 36+ years. She hasn't said a negative thing about chips or anything related to the shop -- so far! We need to sell both of our houses and buy one that fits us better at this time of life, and we happily agree that we need to park both of our cars inside AND have a proper dedicated shop for me. So far...
Married at 68 Mr K?. At that age you should know better :face slap:.
Just kidding, all the best :love:.
go to the bar first either they come off there or if you stay long enough , you wont give a HOOT.
I keep another pair of shoes in the shop. I tried scuffing my shoes upon a very course door mat but after my dog got a tiny sliver of metal in her paw that was that. I change into my shop shoes about 3' away from the entrance. No problems since.
I wish I could make my house smell like cutting oil your lucky....
You can use bacon grease no more mess the heavy dark cutting oil and it works . The smell won't bother anyone except make them hungry. Many Cooking oils will work . .
I regularly sweep and/or vac the floor while I am working whenever it starts getting crunchy under my feet. I have an old carpet scrap by the basement door that is big enough to track most of the mess off my shoes, I then have indoor/outdoor carpet on the steps and hallway leading into the house, by the time I get to the house it is very rare that there is anything left on my shoes.