More of the white death on its way .

I have about 3 inches here, and still lightly coming down. Expecting quite a bit more, maybe another 6 inches or so, over the next 24 hours, then it's supposed to warm up and rain. Should all be gone by Monday.

The most fun is the local news trying to report on this. ''Snowpocalypse 2021'' They are in crisis mode, wall to wall coverage, the reporters are scattered out all over the Portland metro area in the normal trouble spots. ''Yes Joe, it's still snowing here, getting bad'' With a few exceptions, the traffic in the background shots is moving just fine.
Yeah, it's pretty amusing to see. Happens every time there is even a small blip in the weather.
The sun was very threatening this morning on the way into work, reports say it will be sunny all the way till dark..... :)
:cussing:Ok , just how hot was it today ? :grin:

More of this white stuff coming in around 9ish in the am . Suppose to snow all day then turn to freezing rain tonight . Be another lonely night in at work for sure . :)
It only got up to 81* today, but it's 68 right now. Reports say it will be dark until the sun comes up tomorrow. Then it will warm up again..... :)
I woke up to a little ice on the trees.
Just to keep things in perspective, about 6 months back we had a very cool summer. Temp only got to 94F. Normally, it will get to 100F or so. Occasionally, I have seen 105F but that's more unusual. I don't use air conditioning, just set a fan by the window. I don't know if I am alergic to AC, all I know is my sinuses go bonkers when I'm around it. Some 35 years ago, I spent 5 years (M/L) on Guam, fixing computers. 90F at 90% humidity year round. Came back to the States in '86, still haven't acclimated to it. Just when things get warm, it turns off cold again.

For what it's worth: The celcius (SI) system for temperatures is based on the freezing and boiling of water. Is that fresh water or sea water, or some percentage? I do know that at McMurdo (Antarctica) the sea ice freezes so hard that the salt is squeezed out of the ice. That's what changes the colors when we break it out.

We woke to about 7” of snow this morning.
About 18" on the ground here so far not counting 4+ more since thursday nite.
Some of it has been here since early January.
Zero here at present in Coldernell, Iowa
My wife has been having trouble with the snowblower at our home in Michigan. It takes a lot of self control to not tell her about the weather here in Santa Cruz....
