My turn

Mike, I am sorry you are unwell. I don't enjoy anyone else's misery.

I only bring up a data point. More people are vaccinated than at any other time during this pandemic. Also, new cases are at an all-time high.
The vaccine is not terribly effective. Even those who are boosted are getting it.

For the record I got vaccines as a kid, and never came down with any of those diseases in all the following decades.
I think it is hard to reconcile how vaccines used to work, and what is being called a vaccine today.

But then, I have worked in STEM since the late 70s; I have been trained to look at numbers and discern trends.
They seem to be moving in the wrong direction.
I only bring up a data point. More people are vaccinated than at any other time during this pandemic. Also, new cases are at an all-time high.
The vaccine is not terribly effective. Even those who are boosted are getting it.

For the record I got vaccines as a kid, and never came down with any of those diseases in all the following decades.
I think it is hard to reconcile how vaccines used to work, and what is being called a vaccine today.

The vaccine will only provide some protection from getting COVID and testing positive.
However, it will greatly reduce the risk of serious problems and death.

Here is but one set of charts from:
The numbers are astounding!
Better than a 10:1 reduction in those requiring intensive care.

I hope that none of this is seen as inflammatory, derogatory or against the rules.
There is nothing political here.
There is data from a scientific source.

Sorry to hear. Hope it passes quickly, with no side affects. The young couple we rent the apartment to downstairs both got it. She was pretty sick, but is on the mend. Took some soup down to them earlier this evening. Mike

Thank you for providing those numbers. You bring up good facts, which point out there are many dimensions to how this event can be measured.

Like I said earlier, I DO like numbers and facts.
This is probably on the verge of getting locked, so let's not push it anymore. :)
My youngest daughter (17) had the 'rona the week after Christmas... a very mild case...

It is currently going through my department at work.. maybe 10% are currently out on quarantine.

I told my wife tonight that I'll probably be getting that 'time off' soon.

FWIW, I've had all 3 shots, my wife and oldest daughter have had all 3, also. My youngest only had the first 2.

I have 3 employees out currently. Scary when you realize it could be everybody out.