My turn

Well it's getting worse before it's getting better. From yesterday afternoon the congestion is getting worse, and the Sudafed, and Nyquil aren't touching it, so it was not a restful night. Hopefully it breaks soon, thank you for all of the support..
Got my booster Dec 28. No infections so far but I'm careful . Sanitizer every time I'm out and about and have been wearing a CAN95 mask since July.
Almost died from covid, recovered. Got 1st Pfizer vax, , got a little sick. Got 2nd Pfizer vax, got extemely sick, like having covid again.
Flat refuse to get booster, afraid it would kill me.

I was able to rest better last night, the runny nose is controllable now. There is still congestion, and just feeling unwell, also my eyeballs hurt when I squeeze my eyelids tight, probably a sign of dehydration, I have been downing 2 liters a day though. Making the turn I hope:)
Hope you get well soon. It is out there and keeps changing so it seems like just a matter of time for most of us even if careful.

We visited my Wife's family in Arizona for Christmas. A couple days after getting home my wife was not feeling well, and tested positive. I also got sick so assume I had it as well, but didn't bother to get tested, just stayed in the house as if I had it. Our symptoms were very different, I had a mild fever, and tired with a really bad headache. I actually had similar symptoms when I got vaccinated, this was just more severe. My wife got severe respiratory symptoms, a fever, headache and bad joint pain. I was back to normal within a couple of days, she no longer tests positive so they have cleared her to work but is still recovering from the effects almost three weeks later.

We have both been vaccinated, but no booster. All the adults in her family have been vaccinated, and we seem to be the only two who got sick, so either we were exposed on the drive home or the vaccination mostly did its job.

My wife has had pneumonia twice in the past year which she is still recovering from and may have made her more susceptible. 16 hours in the car seems like a good way for it to get from her to me. My younger son wasn't obviously sick, but he slept a lot in the days after the trip and isn't a complainer when he gets sick, so if he had it like I did with no visible symptoms it would be easy to miss. He had to stay out of school for an extra week anyway since someone in the house tested positive. He was tested to go back to school and it came back negative, but by that point my wife did too so it doesn't mean he didn't have it. My older son didn't go on the trip and secured himself in his room with a can of Lysol after my wife tested positive so managed to avoid getting sick.
Sorry to hear you got it. Hope it doesn’t get worse and you continue to improve.
The second night of class last semester I had a student graciously come to class sick. Four of us got it from him. I had received the Moderna vac in March. When I received a positive test I went straight to ER and they gave me Regeneron. I got the booster last month. Fortunately I was asymptomatic and never got sick and neither did my wife. It took 8 weeks to get a negative test so I could return to the classroom. We had remote class during that time.
Hang in there and try to get lots of rest.
Hope your feeling better today!
Glad to hear you're feeling better!