Noga, and .0001 DTI


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2016
I dialed in my Heimer gauge yesterday with my Noga stand, and a .0005 indicator. Then I wanted to see what the .0001 would show for runout, I could not get a repeatable O. Then I tried my backup spare they both would not repeat, so I'm wondering if the setup is the cause, or the Compac 215 indicators are both bad. My Noga is the articulating arm with the locking screw on the elbow, not the solid rod one.
A picture of your setup may help. I usually poke the body of the indicator so the needle moves a little in each direction, if the needle does not bounce back to the same point within 1 div, start tightening clamps, cleaning and polishing clamping surfaces, moving indicator closer to base etc.
I have had good luck with my noga.
I'll get a picture when I get home, I did try tightening, by that was all.
0.0001" DTIs are crazy sensitive, enough that they'll drive you mad. There could be all kinds of movements and vibrations that are affecting the readout.
I use the Noga with a .0001 test indicator daily at work. I find no issues doing that. There is some vibration when the surface finish is not great. Easily used with a .0001 with a bit of use.

Cutting oil is my blood.
The long Noga will not repeat, the quill Noga does repeat about 4 out of 5 or a little better.

What are you trying to measure and why? If you want to look at indicator repeatability, try measuring gage blocks with the needle nearly parallel to the surface.
My initial intent was zeroing/calibrating the Haimer needle as seen in the first picture using the 4 corner adjuster screws. You then center the needle on the face to zero using 2 other adjuster screws. I did that with a Mitutoyo .0005 dti with no problems with zero repeating. It was just a whim to try the .0001 dti.
Wouldn't you zero the Haimer by touching the probe against an edge and rotating it, adjusting until it reads constant over 180 degrees of quill axis rotation? I don't understand why a second indicator would be needed.